Grayson Marshall
アウトリーチ担当 Outreach Director
日本語でも、英語でも話しかけてください Feel free to talk to me in either Japanese or English!
ジャスティンのその他の趣味は、フィットネス(CrossFit)、言語(英語、日本語、イタリア語)、ボードゲーム、バレーボール、ゲーム(League of Legends)、そしてFIRE(Financial Independence Retire Early・経済的な自由)です。
Justin Gardener is a Christian IT professional living in Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan. He has been a member of Cross Community Church Yokohama since its inception in 2021 and intends to be a long-term supporter of the church, both in the US and in Japan.
Justin is a strong believer in using the skills that God has given you to serve Him and His people. As such, if anyone needs IT support (particularly in the web sub-industry) he is happy to help and support in any way. Justin also enjoys teaching IT, so if anyone has an interest in Cyber Security, Web Development, Programming, Blockchain, or other related fields of IT, he is more than willing to simply discuss or mentor!
Justin’s other hobbies include Fitness (CrossFit), Languages (English, Japanese, Italian), Board Games, Volleyball, Gaming (League of Legends), and Financial Independence.
1さて、主にある囚人であるわたしは、あなたがたに勧める。あなたがたが召されたその召しにふさわしく歩き、 2できる限り謙虚で、かつ柔和であり、寛容を示し、愛をもって互に忍びあい、 3平和のきずなで結ばれて、聖霊による一致を守り続けるように努めなさい。
Ephesians 4:1–3 (ESV): 4 I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3 eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.