福音・The Gospel

神の愛     God Loves


The Bible teaches that God, the creator of all things made you and loves you unconditionally God’s design is for you to know him, obey him, and worship him forever. God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and perfectly good. In the beginning, when God created this world mankind was in perfect relationship with God and there was no sin, brokenness, or disease of any kind. (Bible Reading: Genesis 1-2, Psalm 139,145 and John 3)

人間が罪を犯す     Man sins


But the first man and woman rejected God as their Lord and instead chose to live for themselves; the Bible calls this sin. And sin separates from God. Because of this sin, everyone is now born into a world where God’s beautiful design is stained by brokenness, evil, and suffering. The Bible teaches that all people have broken God’s laws and are guilty of sin , and that the punishment we deserve is death: eternal separation from God. (Bible Reading: Genesis 3, and Romans chapter 1 and 3)

神の救い   God Saves


But because of God’s immeasurable love for his creation, God himself came to rescue his creation. Jesus Christ. Jesus is the son of God, born over 2000 years ago in Israel. Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life, and was crucified on a cross, taking the punishment we deserved for our sins upon himself. Three days later Jesus rose from the dead, proving he was God and had power over death. The most famous Bible verse in the world, John 3:16 says this: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (Bible Reading: Romans 5, Mark 1, 15)

悔い改めと信じること    Repent and Believe

神様は、自己中心的な罪の生活から離れて(悔い改めて)、イエス様を主として信頼する人は誰でも救われると約束しています。神はあなたの罪を赦し、神の霊をあなたのうちに置いて、あなたを新しい創造物にしてくださいます。あなたは永遠の命を得て、神の家族に採用され、創造主である神との回復した関係を永遠に楽しむことができます。神様のあなたへの救いは、無償の贈り物です。 ローマ人への手紙10章9節にはこう書かれています。「なぜなら、もしあなたの口でイエスを主と告白し、あなたの心で神はイエスを死者の中からよみがえらせたと信じるなら、あなたは救われるからです。」(聖書読:ローマ8章、使徒2章、黙示録21章を読む)

God promises that everyone who turns away from their self-centered life of sin (repent), and puts their trust in Jesus as their Lord will be saved. God will forgive you of your sins, and put his Spirit in you, making you a new creation. You will receive eternal life, and be adopted into the family of God, enjoying forever a restored relationship with God, your creator. God’s salvation to you is a free gift.  Romans 10:9 says this: “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Bible Reading: Romans 8, Acts 2, Revelations 21)


Would you like to learn more about this good news? Come join us on Sunday, or click here to find out how you can join a 5-part Bible study on the basics of Christianity.


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