私があなたを愛したように、人を愛しなさい "Love each other as I have loved you." - Jesus Sunday @10:30 イエス様 Slide
バイリンガル・キリスト教会 Bilingual Christian Church


Cross Community Church is a bilingual international Christian Church in Yokohama, Japan. We are called “Cross Community” because Jesus and his love displayed for us on the cross is at the center of who we are and what we are about. We are a gospel-centered church, with a fun and safe environment where we welcome everyone to come and know Jesus.

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10 Minute from Center Minami Station


教会ガイド・Church Guide

教会に行ったことがないんですか?どのような経験をするのか不安ですか?CROSS COMMUNITY 教会で行われているサービスや活動の流れを明確にするために、以下のガイドを用意しました。ご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。また、日曜日に教会でお会いできることを楽しみにしています。

Never been to a church before? Unsure about what the experience will be like? We’ve prepared the below guide to clarify the flow of the service and activities that happen here at Cross Community Church. Please take a look and let us know if you have any questions. We’re excited you’re thinking about joining us and hope to see you at church on Sunday!

教会ガイドへ・Checkout the Church Guide


私たちは、神と人を愛するために存在する、キリストを中心としたコミュニティです。 We are a Christ-centered community existing to love God and love others.



私たちの使命は、人々がキリストを知り、キリストにあって成長するように導きます。 Our mission is to lead people to know Christ and to grow in Christ.



福音には人生を変える力があると信じています — 福音を知っていますか? We believe that the Gospel has the power to transform lives — do you know the gospel?

福音ってなんですか?What is the Gospel?


The gospel is the good news of God’s plan of salvation available to all mankind. What is this good news? God the creator of heaven and earth and all mankind has made a way for humans to be forgiven of their sins and restored in relationship to him. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came in the flesh over 2000 years ago and took the punishment for our sins upon Himself on the cross. Three days later he rose from the dead proving he was God, and he promises forgiveness of sin and eternal life for all who repent and put their faith in him.

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