キッズ Kids
Andy Kennedy
キーズミニストリー担当 Kid’s Ministry Director

At Cross Community Church, we love kids and their families. We have classes for children during the service, where kids can learn and play in a fun and safe environment. Through games, crafts, songs, and other activities, children will learn about how God made them and loves them. Kids’ Classes are lead by both Japanese and English-speaking volunteers, so your child can learn in a bilingual environment.
The Kids Ministry at Cross Community Church is run by Andy Kennedy. Andy is passionate about helping children learn about Jesus in a fun and safe environment.
毎週日曜日10:30時** Sundays at 10:30am**
幼稚園 クラス Kindergarten Class
小学生 クラス Elementary Class
**There is typically no class on the Last Sunday of the month, instead, we have Family Service